Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kadayawan 2011 Indak Indak sa Kadalanan

One of Kadayawan's highlight that I am looking forward each year is the indak2x. This years Indak Indak, well to be honest, I am kinda disappointed. The performers were all just either walking or running. I already know that the performance will be judged near San Pedro near City Hall. Even though that was the plan this year, I was hoping for a little performance on the street on their part. A few performed a little but it was nothing compared to last year.

Well for the performers side(the contestants) who mostly are students, it was a relief on their part, since the kids wont be too tired when they reach the judges, no more performing on the street under the heat of the sun(but to tell you during that day, it was not sunny, the clouds are dark and it was due to rain).

Disappointed maybe, but still I have taken a few photos of the parade for you guys. I did not finish the parade because my interest and excitement has already gone out the window. I could have went to San Pedro to take photo during the performance but I know it will be too crowded, and you cant get near to get a decent photo, unless your a professional photographer who is under a organization, then maybe you can have access to a much nearer position. I hope things will be different next year, and hope that Sundays floral parade wont be like the indak indak.

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival

Davao City, Festivals, indak indak, Kadayawan Festival


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